Maasai Mara - Kenya Safaris

Located in southern Kenya, Maasai Mara Park encompasses 392 square kilometers of diverse landscapes. Renowned for its impressive elephant population, estimated at over 800 individuals.

Maasai Mara

Masai Mara National Reserve: Immerse Yourself in the Thundering Heart of Kenya

Just a heartbeat away from Nairobi, Masai Mara National Reserve pulsates with vibrant life. Immerse yourself in the vast savannas, echoing with the thunderous hooves of the Great Migration and the guttural roars of Africa's iconic predators. 1510 square kilometers of diverse landscapes unfold here, where rolling grasslands meet dramatic escarpments and vibrant cultures paint a mesmerizing picture.

More than just a wildlife haven:

  • Witness the Earth's grandest show: From July to October, witness the Great Migration, a mesmerizing dance of millions of wildebeest, zebra, and gazelle thundering across the plains. This captivating spectacle unfolds just 280 kilometers away by road from Nairobi. Fly directly to the Mara at Mara North Airstrip for an even quicker journey.
  • Encounter legendary predators: Sharpen your senses as lions stalk their prey, cheetahs blur across the landscape, and leopards emerge from the shadows. Witness the raw power and intricate strategies of these magnificent hunters – over 95 mammal species call the Mara home, including elephants, giraffes, and zebras.
  • Explore a mosaic of landscapes: Beyond the iconic savannas, discover acacia woodlands alive with over 470 bird species, traverse vibrant marshes teeming with crocodiles, and stand in awe of the dramatic escarpment reaching 1,800 meters above sea level.
  • Connect with a rich cultural heritage: Immerse yourself in the vibrant traditions of the Maasai people, whose nomadic way of life has shaped this region for centuries. Learn about their fascinating customs, witness their mesmerizing dances, and gain a deeper understanding of their harmonious relationship with nature.

Ready to embark on your unforgettable Kenyan adventure?


  • Witness the awe-inspiring Great Migration (July - October)
  • Encounter Africa's iconic predators: lions, cheetahs, leopards
  • Explore diverse landscapes: savannas, woodlands, escarpments
  • Immerse yourself in the vibrant Maasai culture

How to Get There:

  • By Air: Take a 1 hour flight from Nairobi to Mara North Airstrip.
  • By Road: Enjoy a scenic 6-7 hour road trip from Nairobi, experiencing changing landscapes and potential wildlife sightings along the way.

Best Time to Go:

  • Dry Season (June - October): Experience clear skies, minimal rainfall, and ideal conditions for game drives and wildlife viewing.
  • Shoulder Seasons (April - May & November - December): Enjoy comfortable temperatures, fewer crowds, and good opportunities for birdwatching.
  • Green Season (January - March): Witness lush landscapes teeming with newborn animals, be prepared for potential rain showers.

Best Things to Do:

  • Classic Game Drives: Embark on thrilling adventures in specially designed vehicles, searching for iconic African wildlife and capturing unforgettable memories.
  • Bush Walks: Accompanied by expert guides, venture out on foot for an intimate encounter with the Mara's diverse habitats and hidden wonders.
  • Hot Air Balloon Safaris: Soar above the savanna at sunrise, witnessing the vastness of the Mara unfold beneath you and capturing breathtaking panoramic views.
  • Maasai Village Visits: Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of Maasai culture, learning about their traditions, witnessing their dances, and gaining a deeper understanding of their way of life.

With RoyalChoice Travel, your Masai Mara adventure awaits. Explore our tailored itineraries, sustainable practices, and diverse accommodation options to craft a journey that resonates with your soul. Start planning your unforgettable safari today!

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